Sunday 21 August 2011

Thailand - Round 2 - Phuket

I was pleasantly surprised by Phuket and although this was now our 2nd leg into Thailand i was really beginning to understand the major appeal this place has to the masses... Even though the tsunami in 2004 wiped a lot of the island out, everything was being re-built...
However there were parts here that were built up almost to the scale of a Las Vegas... But there were a lot of more remote beaches & places to visit.. which pleasantly lacked that Tourist factor... all you needed was a map and a scooter... the journeys were certainly well worth it..

 Thai Green Curry...

 Sausages without the sausage...

 Hermit the Crab

 A sad reminder of the tragedy on Boxing Day 2004

 Chicken Noodle Soup...

 26/12/2004 Memorial

 Catch of the Day...

 Our Rides...

 Boys or Girls You decide!

 We came across a talent competition in the 
streets of the Old town...
Asian Justin Bieber...

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