Monday 8 August 2011

Indonesia - The Voyage to Komodo & Beyond

We took a 4 day & 4 night Boat trip to Labuanbajo in Flores - it was a cheaper alternative to the recommendation in the Lonely Planet - However by no means was we cut short due to the price... It was a fantastic trip, with good people from all over & the Crew were brilliant. always happy to help & make things generally easier... We sailed beside dolphins at one point, hiked up to fantastic view points over looking the entire ocean and the surrounding islands...
The only way your truly going to be able to explore the 17,000 islands is by sailing your own boat. But for now i am more than pleased with what i saw & did...

Some of the Crew

Some of the Tourists

 Waterfall on Moyo Island

 Lack of Resepect...

 Final Dives with me Buddy Dave...

The Brits Abroad....

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