Wednesday 6 July 2011

Malaysia Borneo - Mount Kinabalu 4095m

This is another one of Borneo's monopoly money making tourist traps - For anyone who wants to conquer Mt Kinabalu, the tallest mountain in Malaysia does so at a heavy price...
I well i fell for it!! It had to be done...
Unfortunately we didn't quite get them magical  sunrise views at the top, that's on all the posters and in the brochure - it had been raining most of the day, the Park Ranger declared it unsafe to climb - Myself and David didn't take no for an answer - we signed a deceleration stating we were no longer insured & continued ascending without a guide... We arrived at the summit 1 hour before sun rise - it was so cold, wet & windy, that we barely lasted 10 minutes up there, my fingers were so numb, i could not even take my camera out of my backpack let alone manage to operate it... Yet I live to tell the tail....

 Exhausting work - Done twice a day, everyday
Make shift Backpack
the more you carry the more you get paid

 Workers make it look far too easy...

 "I hate trekking, It's howwible!! I'm never ever going to do it again, I hate it soo much!!"
Famous words from Jade

I've never been so cold...... But it's CONQUERED

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