Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Bolivia - Tiwanaku

Bolivia´s most significant archaeological site 72km west of La Paz..... The Pictures speak for themselves.....

 The guide who sopoke 95% Spanish & 5% Jibberish

 Everytime i asked him a question.... he replied by saying YES!

 Jade Darby is the Female Karl Pilkington....

 Worshipping the sun god to bring back the rays......

 I made fun of this Argentine Lad & his Pals, cause they looked like giant Condoms.......I said it all in Spanish

Monday, 27 December 2010

Bolivia - Chacaltaya -The Worlds Most Dangerous Road

A good while ago an email circulated work about this road! Until i arrived here i didn't know you could Free Ride it! The Best Bike Ride i have ever done in my life and i really cant imagine anything topping this at times
the road was not much wider that 2.5meters & at times i thought i was gonna fall off the cliff..... A must do for any Adrenaline Junkie - I certainly gave it my all, rode with my heart on my sleeve...I was later told I'm a bit of a LOCO GRINGO and was given the opportunity to ride it again 2days later for FREE
Thank you Mayhem Adventures!!!

 The Squad! with our guide, an Ex-pro BMX rider Chello...
ONLY the 2 of us on this tour other, more expensive companies had over 40 people

 Me & Mary Poppins

 Some of the views....

 1st Leg DONE!!

 How Ironic... After finishing the 1st leg of the trip Jade had a craving

 Met some children on the way.... Before this road was closed there was a thriving village - not no more

 Just dont look down! i could help it.............

 Paying our respects - since the Road has been closed 36 people have died riding this road

 We Came, We Sore, We Conquered!

Just a little celebration beverage

I thought you´d like this!!
I was over confident as the 1st Leg was simple! I kept riding past the guide, Bunny hopping every where jumping gaps..... Until the this.......... Think Ive broken a Rib! But i am ok i promise.....

Saturday, 25 December 2010

Bolivia - La Paz

An Extremely dusty, busy, chaotic, crazy to say the least! I think this place is a little bit of training for India in a few months
There was sky scrapers, beautiful modern glass buildings next door to these little huts which resembled an off license store.
Was an awesome place to spend Christmas but if i am to be honest with you... No place can replace Home at Christmas! Never missed home so much in my Life before..... This was a very sad time for me. But i tried to make the most of it.... Thanks to all that helped!

 Christmas Eve - Thought it would be a good idea to have a shave in the middle of a bar....

 The Three Lions - Thats right im now rocking a Tashe.......

 Christmas with some good people...... made things a touch easier

Just not quite the same as Home.........


Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Bolivia - Tupiza

This Place is a horse - riders dream. Probably the cheapest on the continent combined with the most beautiful surroundings. To be honest this wasn't of much interest to me... Ive never really ridden a horse, and when the guide handed me a cowboy hat instead of a hard hat i was least impressed and very much reluctant to go through with it... However it turns out im a natural!!!
& To date was one of my favorite days and very much worth the hassle & headache of getting to the place.....

 Jades & her thouwougha-bwead Horse.....
Her dream finally came true a 7hr ride...

My new pal Lucho - Which in Indian means Cheeky! 
However he was also the most handsome horse according to Jade...
Much like his Rider don't you think??

 The Good.......

 The Bad.......

 The Beautiful.......

 This was Llama meat wrapped in cuscus then wrapped and cooked in a Sweet corn Peel 

 You´ve all heard of a Leather-man Multi-Tool a RRP of $150.00 Well.......
Introducing the STAPLEMAN.... This is Priceless Given to me by my pal Paul Stapleman
Since Ive arrived n South America I have been itching to find a use for it..........

 Sharpened By My Uncle Ram this bad boy cut through my Orange like a hot knife cuts through Butter

 Thank You!!

In the Local corner shops in Bolivia you´ll often find bags of this.........
Yes!!! its exactly what you think it is!!! COCA LEAVES! 
However it is used to help battle Altitude sickness Reduces hunger, Provides a Numbing Sensation  and Increases Alertness when Chewed.......